European junior winner 2015 under breedspecialist judge David Guy! :D
Back home in Sweden after the trip to Norway and the EDS 2015 Show in Lillestrom. SE JW-15, JWW-15, IT Junior UCH Chippichawas Miss Concorde won the European Junior Winner 2015 title, BOB junior and 2nd best bitch under breed specialist judge Mr David Guy, thank you for the nice words!
Also want to congratulate and thank the breeder Yasmin Holmgren for the love, support and in trusting me with Miss C!
Many swedes did great so a big congratulations to you all! 🏆
After the show we received a warm welcome at "grandma" Nancy Elvin and we celebrated "Skrållan" with some bubble and a nice dinner. Thanks for a fantastic evening!🍷🍴❤